Prevent Foreclosure in Utah County

If You’re Upside Down On Your Utah County Home Or Investment Property And Can No Longer Afford The Payments I’ll Help You Save It Or Avoid Foreclosure Through FREE Gov’t Refinance, Loan Modification And Short Sale Programs.

I have a CASH buyer for your home today! You may qualify for thousands of dollars in relocation assistance that I can help you obtain.

Whether you seek to save your home or investment through a HAMP loan modification or HARP 2.0 Gov’t refinance opportunity or just move on to what’s next and short sell your property to postpone the trustee sale, collect some additional cash and avoid a foreclosure in the process , you’ll find information here that will help you immensely.

This easy-to-understand, step-by-step instruction guide describes how banks operate in the negotiation process and also includes the tools and forms required to short sell your home or investment property.

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What’s A Short Sale?

A short sale occurs when the lender agrees to take less than the full amount required to pay off existing loans in full because the outstanding loan balance is greater than the proceeds realized from the sale of the property.

This sounds simple enough and is the definition most agents will give you. The problem is in the details. The terms of the approval are almost always dictated by the lender. Most sellers and many agents assume any approval is a “good approval”, which is often not the case.

If you’re considering a real estate short sale there are things you need to know before speaking to your lender. Consulting with an M.A.R.S. compliant, licensed professional versed in short sales and the foreclosure process is a must.

Why Would My Lender Accept Less Than Is Owed?

Knowing why and how much your lender does not want to foreclose on your home is crucial to the negotiating process. It’s oftentimes much more expensive for the lender to modify your loan than it is to simply foreclose on you and sell it, or accept a short offer and pay all the associated sales costs.

Of course, your lender would prefer that you stay in your home and continue making payments but selling it and getting the “bad asset” off their books is frequently their next favorite choice. Many lenders will negotiate short sale terms quite favorable to you, oftentimes allowing you to walk away for free and with zero delinquency judgments.

A successful no cost short sale with zero deficiency judgments looming in your future can be possible if you work with an expert team to get it done.

Will I Qualify For A Short Sale?

Has Your Home’s Market Value Dropped?

Whether you’re doing a loan modification or short sale, hard comparable sales will be used to substantiate that your property is worth less than the unpaid balance owed the lender. I provide a comprehensive property value report designed to determine your properties 30, 60 and 90-day sales price value – the same info your lender will want.

Is Your Mortgage Currently In Default or Are You Concerned That It Soon Will Be?

It used to be that lenders would not even consider a loan modification or short sale if your payments were current, but not anymore. Realizing that other factors contribute to a potential default, many lenders are eager to head off future problems at the pass.

Many lenders no longer require that you be late on your payments however you must be able to convince them with your hardship letter and financial records that you’re concerned about your ability to continue making payments.

Have You Fallen on Hard Times?

Have you experienced a job loss, cut back in work hours, divorce, death or any other challenge that is hampering your ability to make your monthly payments? You must be able to prove financial hardship. If you’ve answered yes to all of these questions, you’re probably an ideal candidate for a real estate short sale.

Top Team 2022, 2023

3400 N Ashton Blvd suite #275

Lehi, UT 84043

Phone: (480) 241-8194

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